News: Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Finally, gamers can do it in style. And by "it", yes, I mean IT. Graphic designer Ben Marsh has come up with a collection of awesome packaging for condoms, in the style of old Game Boy games. Don't miss the crudely fun "instruction sheet" at the bottom of the page.

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Donkey Schlong, a Condom Befitting of Princess Peach (NSFW)

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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Way to make safe sex fun.

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